Company: NHK – Japan Broadcasting Corporation

Country: JAPAN


Discipline: Tennis

Year: 2015

Director: Yoriko Koizumi, Shingo Asaki, Misako Imai

Editing: Hirokazu Mokida

Photo: Ryusuke Watase, Masamoto Fujita.

Voice Off: Minoru Aoi

Producer: NHK

Time: 43 min


In 2014, Kei Nishikori surged in the tennis world rankings from 12th to 5th. But only a year before Nishikori, a rather small player among top pros, had been in a serious slump. Things turned around when he met the legendary Michael Chang, who was once ranked the second best player in the world, despite his small physique. Chang ingrained Nishikori with the strong mentality to believe in himself and taught him to hit baseline strokes from a forward position as a way to better use his agility.