Company: Kidam

Country: FRANCE


Discipline: Kickboxing

Year: 2016

Director: Zoltan Hauville

Editing: Cécile Martinaud

Actors: Cédrick Peynaud, Michel Peynaud

Photo: Zoltan Hauville

Soundtrack: Matthieu Carnaguier, M. Treiz

Producer: Kidam

Time: 58 min



In the 13th district of Paris, the coach Philippe Magnol, the founder of Club 120, struggles against institutions and the lack of means to promote kickboxing and train champions. His most feared fighters are two twin brothers, Michael and Cedrick Peynaud, who he has coached since they were 6 years old.  Philippe is determined to lead them to the highest level…  In between pain and joy, greatness and dejection, a journey into the world of boxing.