Company: Carlo Furgeri Studio Nicama

Country: ITALY


Discipline: Basketball

Director: Carlo Furgeri Gilbert, Marzio Mirabella, Niccolò Rastrelli

Edting: Marzio Mirabella / Studio Nicama

Photo: Carlo Furgeri Gilbert

Soundtrack: Selton, Tommaso Colliva

Producer: Studio Nicama

Running Time: 13 min


Street basketball is gaining more and more popularity in Milan and playgrounds are being built everywhere in the city. The street basketball court is much more than a place where a sport is practiced: it is a space where the themes of integration and mutual knowledge are developed, a place where a new concept of community is created, where different communities learn to know each other. The playgrounds host a diverse humanity, which in this continuous giving and receiving of the ball carries out an experience of reciprocity and trust towards a possible multicultural coexistence.