Company: The Finnish Film Foundation

Country: FINLAND


Discipline: Figure Skating

Director: Nina Forsman

Edting: Jussi Sandhu, Nina Forsman

Actors: Olesia Karmi, Max Lindholm

Photo: Hannu Käki

Soundtrack: Sound Design: Pinja Mustajoki. Music: Tommi Mäki

Producer: Niina Virtanen, Pasi Hakkio

Running Time: 28 min


Ice dancers Olesia Karmi and Max Lindholm have lived their whole lives for figure skating, after demanding seasons their career ends in Olesia’s injury. Max finds a new path for his life quickly, but Olesia struggles to cope without ambitions and goals. How does it feel knowing the biggest dreams will never come true? If you’re not an athlete anymore, who are you? Do you ever dare to dream again?