Company: RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana

Country: ITALY


Discipline: Soccer

Director: Federico Ruffo

Producer: RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana

Running Time: 49 min


What links ruthless ultras related to the Calabrian ‘ndrine, theoretically belonging to opposing parties? After the reopening of the dossier about the death of Raffaello Bucci, the former Juventus ultrà who died after falling from a Turin-Savona overpass during the Alto Piemonte investigation, what clues are investigators running up? In England, Federico Ruffo collected the testimony of the man to whom Bucci had confided his fears for his life and, through unpublished documents he shows the path of the treasure set aside by Bucci and the Drughi through the scalping, at the center of many disputes between supporters. The investigation continues in Milan, where there was an attempt to execute an ultras in the city center against the backdrop of a war for the control of opaque affairs that revolve around the stadium between Milan’s ultras groups culminating in the seizure of power by the “Curva Sud” group.