Company: Regard sur l’Aventure

Country: FRANCE


Discipline: Canyoneering

Director: Marie Leclere, Bruno Fromento

Edting: Marie Leclere

Photo: Marie Leclere, Bruno Fromento, Thierry Aube

Soundtrack: Bam Library, Undergang

Producer: Regard sur l’Aventure

Running Time: 22 min


In 2018, the “Rios Patagonicos” expedition took 15 canyoneers to stride the immensity of Chilean Patagonia, in search for rivers and waterfalls. Their goal: explore untouched territories, spot and open over 30 canyons, on a unique territory, where canyoneering discipline is close to non-existent. For some, “Rios Patagonicos” is the opportunity to go on an expedition for the first time. For others, more skilled canyoneers, the occasion to share their experience, at times on a difficult terrain. In the heart of Patagonian glacier valleys, all gather around a same desire: share a sportive and humane adventure.