Company: ASD Atletica 85 Faenza
Country: ITALY 2018, 5 min
Discipline: Athletics
Director: Davide Gubellini
Editing: Mattia Zani
Actors: Giulia Gandolfi, Mattia Ferri, Gaia Carugati, Giulio Panigadi
Photo: Mattia Zani
Soundtrack: Creedence Clearwater Revival, Dr. Dogs, Mattia Zani
Producer: ASD Atletica 85 Faenza
Time: 5 min 


Film taken from the “50 x 1000” relay race during the 46th edition of the Ultramarathon called “100 km of the Passatore”, which crosses the Apennines mountains, from Florence to Faenza. Very young athletes run towards the plains, dividing a path of fifty (50) kilometers that will take them to the destination, the square of Faenza, just before the arrival of the winner of the Ultramarathon. Fifty fractions of one kilometer. A relay race from each to his way. And at the end all together until the arrival. A metaphor of life. The film places a “magnifying glass” on the run of four of them to reveal the side that remains invisible to the viewer’s eyes.
Running for growing, a never ending story.