Company: Videocremo

Country: ITALY


Discipline: Basketball

Director: Giancarlo Migliola, Marco Cremonini

Edting: Marco Cremonini

Actors: Costanzo Ruocco, Igo Del Core, Elio Sorrentino, Matteo Cacace, Lorenzo Schettino, Francesco Boccanuso,Mario Esposito, Stefano Petrucci, Francesco Di Donna

Photo: Marco Cremonini

Soundtrack: Francesco Venturini Free Sound Arc.

Producer: Videocremo

Running Time: 35 min


The humanity of Olimpia Capri, the only basketball team of the island. From Costanzo Ruocco, top scorer since 2008 of the promotion Championship to Igo Del Core, 54-year-old man waiting for the first call in the National team. They don’t have a scheme, none of them have a driver license, they don’t have a coach, but they have a crazy passion for basketball, the magic of their friendship, the privilege of living on the wonderful island. “Ruocco and his Brothers” will never win a championship but their history of deep friendship, inspired by Basketball, makes Capri even more special.