Company: Highland Music Television Culture Communication Beijing Co. Ltd

Country: P.R. Of CHINA


Discipline: Extreme Sports

Year: 2016

Director: Rashidorj

Editing: Rashidorj   Gao MingYi

Photo: Rashidorj

Soundtrack: Rashidorj

Voice Off: Bai JiaYu

Producer: Gao MingYi

CoProducer: Wang QiuYun

Time: 57 min


On China’s Helan Mountains, there is a world-class off-road vehicle climbing trail, known as Hooke Trail. Along this trail, challengers risk car crashes and life. Huzi is a depressed man who lives in Beijing and  attempted suicide several times. In 2015, Huzi met top off-road rider Gao Jingsong. Gao heard that extreme sports can help lighten depression, so he decided to make Huzi his companion on the Hooke Trail, a decision that was strongly opposed by his spotter and friends. In Autumn of that year, Gao Jingsong and Huzi were on the road taking the challenge of death shoulder to shoulder. And it is in that moment that Huzi overcome depression choosing life instead of death.