Company: NHK – Japan Broadcasting Corporation

Country: JAPAN


Discipline: Martial Arts – Judo

Year: 2015

Director: Shigenari Yano

Editing: Hiroshi Oshima

Photo: Mikio Matsui, Masahiro Kishi

Producer: NHK in association with NHK Global Media Services, Inc.

Time: 44 min



Tadahiro Nomura dominated the world of judo with his lightning-fast shoulder throw. He won Olympic gold in an unprecedented three consecutive Olympic Games (Atlanta, Sydney and Athens). Cameras have been following Nomura and his indomitable spirit since 2013, as he strived to win one more match using his signature shoulder throw, despite being seriously injured. In August 2015, Nomura decided to enter a tournament after a two-year absence, with a certain decision in mind. Was he able to perform a perfect shoulder throw?