Company: Red Bull Media House

Country: AUSTRIA


Discipline: Alpine Skiing

Year: 2015

Director: Gerald Salmina, Tom Dauer

Editing: David Hofer

Actors: Aksel Lund Svindal, Erik Guay, Max Franz, Yuri Danilochkin, Hannes Reichelt, Marcel Hirscher, Hans Grugger

Photo: Günther Göberl

Soundtrack: Manfred Plessi

Producer: Gerald Salmina

Time: 110 min


The fairy-tale Tyrolean town of Kitzbühel buzzes with energy as the 2013 Hahnenkamm Races end with a boisterous party. The Hahnenkamm Mountain’s downhill course, the Streif, is an ultimate challenge, which can be mastered only with perfect technique and extraordinary courage.  As the ski racers leave Kitzbühel for the next World Cup location, the members of the Kitzbüheler Ski Club (KSC) are already starting preparations for the following year’s race. A documentary about this work over the course of one year and, at the same time, about the international athletes Aksel Lund Svindal, Erik Guay, Max Franz, Yuri Danilochkin and Hannes Reichelt during their summer training and in their free time. Frontrunner Erik Guay is injured before the training session. Young Max Franz discovers that he still has a lot to learn on the Streif. Superstar Aksel Lund Svindal is confident that victory is finally within his reach but that confidence may be premature. And Hannes Reichelt surprises his fans with a perfect run, only to discover that the unforgiving course has left him far from unscathed.