Company: Kensington Communications Inc.

Country: CANADA


Discipline: Various Sports

Year: 2016

Director: Rebecca Snow

Editing: Graeme Ball

Photography: Chris Romeike

Soundtrack: Eric Cadesky, Nick Dyer

Voice Off: David Suzuki

Producer: Robert Lang

Coproducer: Kristian Kaehler, Berlin Producers

Time: 55 min

Projection: Friday 18 November  – 16.25 – Sala Colonne

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Every year, top athletes set new world records. But are today’s record holders really better than those of the past? Or do modern athletes get their edge from their high tech gear? Scientist Steve Haake sets off on a journey to investigate meeting five champions: Canadian sprinter Andre de Grasse, American cyclist Sarah Hammer, German swimmer Paul Biedermann, javelin thrower Christina Obergföll and Canadian kayaker Adam Van Koeverden. Each athlete demonstrates how their modern training and equipment enhances the performance, and then Steve challenges them to compete against a legendary athlete using old-school vintage gear.