Company: TKR

Country: RUSSIA


Discipline: Judo

Year: 2016

Director: Elena Kurakina

Editing: Elena Kurakina

Producer: Elena Kurakina

Time: 52 min

Projection: Friday 18 November  – 17.15 – Sala Mostre

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It is the story of the Russian judoist Mikhail Pulyaev, winner of a silver World medal and two bronze European medals. In 2016, two months before the Summer Olympic Games, he was n° 3 in the 66 kg category in the World Ranking and the best Russian judoist. His story is rather similar to that of other great sportsmen except for the “meldonium”, which became a banned substance on 1stJanuary 2016. Mikhail Pulyaev is well-known in the world of sport, but not for the wide audience. Even in his own city Ryazan, few people know that their townsman is fighting to be part of the Olympic team: not only against his rivals, but against fortune. He wants to go to the Olympic Games and to prove everyone that he is the best in his sport. That`s his long way to Rio.