Company: Freedom From Choice AB
Country: SWEDEN
Discipline: Female Soccer
Year: 2013
Director: Mattias Löw
Editing: Orvar Anklew
Photography: Mattias Löw, Valentina Santi Löw, Orvar Anklew
Soundtrack: Andy Pfeiler, Lars Kumlin, Jonas Beckman
Actors: Pia Sundhage, Marta Vieira da Silva, Lotta Schelin
Voice Off: Johan von Sydow
Producer: Mattias Löw, Valentina Santi Löw
CoProducer: Orvar Anklew
Time: 132 min
Projection: Sunday 8 December – 3:00 pm – Sala Parlamentino



A three-tale documentary focusing on the harsh conditions of women’s football in Sweden since the first women clubs organised in the mid 1960’s up until today. “The winning call” – Today’s reality following the women that show how good they are, and who actually make a living playing football without necessarily looking back. “Women against the tide” – Yesterday’s reality following the women that wanted to show that they could play despite the enormous scepticism surrounding the women and the sport. “Play seriously” – A chronological study and insight to the important dates and decisive moments occurring throughout history showing the prejudice and the often unequal conditions, but also the ongoing developments in women’s football.