Company: Telesto – Film

Country: RUSSIA


Discipline: Soccer

Year: 2015

Director: Eduard Bordukov

Editing: Ekaterina Pivneva

Actors: Sergey Romanovich, Kirill Degtyar

Photography: Pavel Emelin

Soundtrack: Boris Voyt

Producer: Elena Glikman, Mikhail Degtyar

Time: 104 min

Projection: Sunday 20 November  – 19.50 – Sala Mostre

Watch the trailer


The first Russian film dedicated to inter-ethnic relations amongst youths. Football is everything for Kostya, who would like to play professionally. One day Kostya’s team comes head to head with a group of Caucasians, lead by Damir, a professional footballer. A conflict arises between the two groups as they don’t want to share the pitch. So they decide to hold a 3 match tournament, with the winners keeping the pitch for themselves! Gradually, the whole neighbourhood gets dragged into this tough tournament. The stakes grow higher and higher: this is no football tournament anymore, it is a battle to the death!