Company: Kailas & Media Ventures
Country: CHINA/USA
Discipline: Climbing
Year: 2012
Director: Tim Boelter
Editing: Tim Boelter
Photography: Tim Boelter
Soundtrack: Tim Boelter
Actors: Jon Otto, Liu Yong, Su Rongqin, Tim Boelter
Voice Off: Tim Boelter
Producer: Tim Boelter
CoProducer: Tim Boelter
Time: 20 min
Projection: Thursday 5 December – 4:10 pm – Sala Expo



When most people think of climbing, their mind naturally visualizes something like Mount Everest, the highest peak on earth. The routes are well marked, Sherpas will fix it with rope and professional guides will lead the way to the summit. But does this represent the true spirit of mountaineering? What does it really take to climb a mountain that’s never been climbed before? The report of three attempts, over a span of three years, to make the first ascent of the last independent 6000 meter peak in the Sichuan Province. Yangmolong may not be the hightest peak on earth, but it’s not just about standing on the summit that counts. It’s the process of reaching it that truly makes the achievement worth the struggle.