Company: Curta Circuito – Mostra de Cinema Permanente / Cinefoot Festival de Cinema de Futebol
Country: BRASIL
Discipline: Soccer
Year: 1970
Director: Paulo Laender, Ricardo Gomes Leite
Editing: Gustavo Dahl
Photography: Fernando Duarte
Soundtrack: Milton Nascimento, Fernando Brant
Actors: Tostão
Voice Off: Othon Bastos, Orlando Souza
Producer: Tecla Filmes, Tri Filme Productora
CoProducer: Wilson Frade
Time: 73 min
Projection: Thursday 5 December – 6:00 pm – Sala Torre



The life and the career of the football player Eduardo Gonçalves de Andrade, known as Tostão: the qualification for the 1970 World Cup, his daily life in Belo Horizonte, the operation in his left eye, in Houston. Eight cameras are employed to capture the action of this dynamic athlete as he leads the Cruzeiro team on to victory, while images from the matches against Venezuela, Mexico and Paraguay in the 1970 World Cup are shown too. The beginning of his career are narrated through interviews with relatives, coaches, players and Tostão himself.