Company: Associazione Culturale H12
Country: ITALY
Discipline: Cycling
Year: 2013 
Director: Lucio Lionello, Damiano Monaco
Editing: Damiano Monaco
Photography: Timothy Heys Cerchio
Actors: Beppe Conti, Marco Pastonesi, Carlo Delfino, Alfredo Martini, Carlo Valetti, Onorina Valetti, Carletto Valetti, Claudio Gregori, Andrea Bartali, Luciano Berruti, Marco Bolle e Christian Cappelletto
Voice Off: Patrizia Giangrand, Domenico Brioschi, Carlo Nigra
Producer: H12 
CoProducer: Coup d’Idée
Time: 60 min 
Projection: Friday 6 December – 6:30 pm – Sala Parlamentino



Giovanni Valetti , born in 1913. In 1938 he won Giro d’Italia and Tour de Suisse. In 1939 he won again in Italy. Defeating, among his opponents, a man called Gino Bartali. A cycling champion, a hero of his times. But, unlike other champions, nothing but some poor information is available nowadays. Quite nothing survived in collective memory, even for cycling experts. Nevertheless, Giovanni Valetti’s history is fascinating. He was protagonist of cycling history’s mythical events, in a time when cyclism was built on sweat, incredible efforts and poor earnings. Why Valetti’s myth hasn’t attained our times? Why the present generation knows nothing about him? An historical reconstruction to propose some hypothesis describing the epic flavor of historical cycling, through the investigation of the events that marked his life as an athlete and a man.