Sports discipline: Athletics

Production company: ASD Atletica 85 Faenza

ITALY 2020, 10 min

Director: Davide Gubellini

Editing: Simone Herrera, Luca Barzanti

Actors: Studenti Scuole Primarie e Secondarie di Primo Grado Emilia Romagna

Photos: Simone Herrera, Luca Barzanti

Soundtrack: Autoprodotta

Producer/Produttore: ASD Atletica 85 Faenza

The 50×1000 Relay has reached its 26th edition, but the outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic stops everything and everyone in their homes. The suspension of sporting events does not stop the Relay, which turns into the First Virtual Relay. The young athletes, fifty boys and girls from Emilia Romagna, give life to the First Virtual Relay, running where they can: in the garden, on the terrace, in the courtyard, in their own bedroom. In doing so, they suggested to adults how to build the 100 km Ultramarathon of the Passatore in Virtual Edition.