Company: Beijing Olympic City Development Association, CCTV Movie Channel, Beijing Universe Starlight Culture Media Co.,Ltd.
Country: CHINA
Section: MOVIES
Discipline: Motocross
Year: 2013
Director: Hu Jingqi
Editing: Hu Jingqi
Photography: Erin Lei
Soundtrack: Rochin Zhu
Actors: Song Fusen
Voice Off: Chen Xuewei
Producer: Wang Pingjiu, Su Zhihong
Time: 11 min
Projection: Thursday 5 December – ore 3:10 pm – Sala Expo



Song Fusen, who used to be China’s best motocross player and the champion in the National Games, is known as the flying motorcycle rider. 11 years ago, at 42 years old, he participated in a race as the oldest one participating in this kind of race, but was seriously injured in his training before the race, becoming paraplegic. During these 11 years, he had been greatly frustrated, but renewed hope because of sports. He participated in the marathon in a wheelchair, and took part in wheelchair tennis match, enjoying the happiness that sports brought him and giving him an optimistic life back. However, he has always been dreaming of returning to the motor speedway. Although sometimes he thought that this dream was hard to be achieved, he has always been hopeful. Eventually, the dream came true.