On november 18th, in the framework of “Sport Movies & Tv 2017 – 35 Milano International FICTS Fest” (15 – 20 November), the Sala Parlamentino of the Giureconsulti Palace (Piazza Mercanti, 2) has hosted the final event of the Program “TV SPORT EMOTIONS”:  the Ceremony for the “TV Sport Emotion Award”, organized by FICTS, as the Best Television Channel voted on www.sportmoviestv.com.

Rewarded by President of FICTS Prof. Franco Ascani, at the first three places of the 2017 edition:


2) NHK



Below the motivations:


1) MATCH  TV won the “TV SPORT EMOTION AWARD 2017 – TV SPORTS CHANNEL OF THE YEAR” (“The best tv sport channel of the world”): the Award is given for the ability of demonstrating  innovation, creative scheduling and commissioning, impact on the viewers and ratings success.
Tina Kandelaki,  Match Tv General Producer,  received  the award.



2) NHK won the “TV SPORT EMOTION AWARD 2017 – TV PERSONALITY OF THE YEAR”: Award for the personality of Sport, TV, Cinema and Journalism who particularly stand out during 2016/2017.
Takako Kigaku, Nippon Hoso Kyokai Enterprise, received the award.




3) FATSTONE TV won the “TV SPORT EMOTION AWARD 2017 – SPORT SPIRIT AND VALUES OF A TELEVISION PROGRAMME”: the Award for the best reportage produced for the television but stimulates the intellectual development of young people and social, educational, human and spiritual values of sport practice.
Ann Mari Albertsen, co-founder of Fatstone TV, received the award.




In previous years the award was given to:  EUROSPORT in 2012, CCTV – China  Central  Television Cinema in 2013, SKY SPORT in 2014, CHANNEL ONE RUSSIA in 2015 and CHANNEL FOUR TV IRELAND in 2016