Prof. Franco Ascani, the only Italian Member of the Commission for Culture and Olympic Heritage of the IOC and President of FICTS – Fédération Internationale Cinéma Télévision Sportifs, today he has declared – after the decision of Italian NOC National Council – to press Agencies:

The choice of Italian NOC about the Candidacy for the 2026 Winter Olympic Games, driving by the force of Malagò President, will provide a develop factor and a boosting for the Italian sport, with the objective to grow the sport culture of Italy (that it needs) with a positive economic impact on the territory.

As I claimed when I was Secretary General of the Committee Milanolimpica 2000, today – as before – “Italy has the ability, men and resources” to be the place of the Games (it would be the 4th times).

Now it’s time to “sound of music” (“We work together”) to analyze the solutions and bring in Italy the most fascinating event about culture and sports education for the citizen, with the young people as protagonists.

The Olympic locations in the different territorial realities, could became ideal places for important cultural activities – “London 2012 docet” – connect to Games planned of the Olympic Charter.

Italy, which will have to deal with other candidates can do it if it will wants to and if it will knows “plays the right cards” using the qualify human resources of the sector present in “the first Country in the world for culture, historical and architectural heritage”.