Promoted by the “Union of Professional Ki Life” (U.P.K.L. aisbl) and by its Partners, in Bruxelles, at the seat of the European Commission (New Building Charlemagne), it took place a meeting with a Delegation of the European Commission on the theme “Sport of the European Union” with the aim of redefining a new social model through a policy of stable education of the citizen in the different development ages, consistent with the main principles of the European Union which takes the field (2014-2020) to realize a physically-active lifestyle in the social, economic, health, recreational and sports aspect through the promotion of “Sport for All and for Health” as free, natural and recreational physical activity with every available mean and in the field of the mutual possibilities.

FICTS President Prof. Ascani in Bruxelles at European Commission

Individuated the projects for the cultural interexchange (see the lines of the project elaborated by FICTS – Federation Internationale Cinema Television Sportifs represented by the President Prof. Ascani) and for the best practice in the educational field of sport at European level (see the Project elaborated by UESpT – Union Européenne Sport pour Tous) and the procedures for the Project “Erasmus Plus” (objectives, actions, activities, instruments), the “Paper on Sport” has been presented. U.P.K.L. planned the role of the social-sport educator in the context of identification, formation, qualification and certification of the professional operators and of the disciplines and their  recognition and the individuation of the educational standard European parameters to the development of the professional roles of the sports field.
