On August 11, under the “Beijing International FICTS Festival“, will take place the “Olympic Film Forum“. The speaker will be the FICTS President Prof. Franco Ascani (Member of the IOC Commission for Culture and Olympic Education) with the report “Analysis of Olympic Cinematography Projected in the Future”: all the Olympic filmography divided by periods, in an unprecedented synoptic framework.

In addition to representatives of the Beijing Olympic Games Organizing Committee 2022 and Chinese TV Expo (CCTV first), will partecipate to the forum some film directors of the Winter Olympics Sochi 2014: Sergey Miroshnichenko director of “Rings of the world” official film Of the Games and Sofia Geveyler, director of “Spirit In Motion”, the official film of the Paralympic Games, both rewarded with the “Guirlande d’Honneur” at “Sport Movies & Tv”.

Prof. Ascani will discuss issues related to the production, postproduction, rights and distribution of the Olympic films with a debate on future scenarios of the genre and an analysis of the potential recipients. Olympic cinematography can be divided into 5 phases, from the early Modern Age Games to today, based on the evolution of the industry that has characterized the times and differences.

More information at http://www.sportsfilm.org/.