Samara (Russia) will host – from 10th to 13th September, the “Samara International FICTS Festival” organized, in the framework of the Worldwide Championship of Cinema and Sport Television “World FICTS Challenge”, by the International Sport Movie Festival led by Dr Shamil Tarpishchev, IOC Member and President of Russian Tennis Federation. The program of the Festival will include the Russian and International competitions.

The Festival will be located in seven different places in three cities of the Samara oblast: the “Khudozhestvenny” movie theater and the “Polyteknitchesky University” will host the event.

Shamil Tarpishev President of Samara International FICTS Festival and IOC Member 
together with the FICTS President Prof. Franco Ascani

At the “Opening Ceremony” of the “Samara International FICTS Festival” will attend, besides the Institutional Russian Authorities and FICTS President Prof. Franco Ascani: the tennis player Anastasia Myskina (two-time Fed Cup champion), the gymnast Aleksey Nemov (four-time Olympic champion), ice-hockey player Sergey Makarov (two-time Olympic champion), Nikolay Pisarev senior coach of the Russian National U-21 soccer team, Aleksandr Tikhonov (eleven-time world champion and four-time Olympic champion biathlete).

Yakov Shatkhin is the General Director of the Festival, Executive Director is Stanislav Stepanets and the Art Director is Said Torpishev.